Romania risks losing 75 billion euros if it does not implement the package of measures to reduce the budget deficit, 46 billion euros from the Cohesion Policy and 29.3 billion euros from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), said on Wednesday evening, the minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, in a press briefing at Victoria Palace.He presented the draft law on some fiscal and budgetary measures, for which the Government will assume responsibility, and which was analyzed in the first reading during the Government meeting."So, we are discussing the future of Romania. 75 billion euros that we cannot afford to have suspended because with this money Romania builds its highways, with this money Romania builds its railway infrastructure, with this money we modernize the schools, with this money we are modernizing hospitals, with this money the modernization at the level of local communities is decisive, including for what it means for the comfort that public services bring, including for water supply, sewage to what it means for rehabilitation and energy efficiency that we all benefit from. All this is as important as oxygen for our country and that is why it is a time when all the decision makers and the whole political scene and all the political decision makers must have the wisdom to take the necessary steps to get out of this impasse, which is with a major impact on the modernization of Romania," the minister said.