Over 7.34 billion RON has been invested in key sectors of the Romanian economy and more than 25,000 new jobs have been created in the 9 years since the start of the state aid scheme for stimulating investments with a major impact on the economy, the Ministry of Finance announced on Thursday."The purpose of this Government's initiative was to stimulate the sectors that are fundamental for sustainable development and increasing international competitiveness. The results of the initiative were remarkable: we are talking about a state aid scheme that had a significant impact on the development and resilience of the economy. assisted in the increase of production in numerous sectors, technological development and the creation of new jobs. In the future, we are committed to continue with other similar initiatives to support the vital sectors of the economy," said minister Marcel Bolos.The institution has completed the analysis of the requests for agreement for financing submitted on the basis of Government Decision no. 807/2014 for the establishment of state aid schemes with the objective of stimulating investments with a major impact on the economy, and the total budget allocated to the scheme has been exhausted.Thus, in more than 9 years since the start of the state aid scheme, 174 investment projects received grants from the state budget, for eligible expenses of the nature of tangible and intangible assets, as well as those related to the rental of buildings afferent to the initial investment.The main sectors of activity supported with state aid were: the automotive industry, the household electrical products industry, the aeronautical industry, the food industry, the construction materials industry, the production of machines and equipment, medical services, tourism.The Ministry of Finance specifies that of the total investment projects supported with state aid, 47% are implemented by companies with Romanian capital, and 53% by companies with foreign capital.