A Turkish-flagged cargo ship sailing on Thursday in the Black Sea towards the Ukrainian port of Ismail escaped undamaged by an explosion that went off in its vicinity, while cruising off the Romanian coast, possibly caused by a mine, the Turkish maritime authority and the ship's captain told Reuters on Friday."An explosion occurred 15-20 meters behind the ship Kafkametler, en route to Izmail port from Batumi port while it was cruising off the coast of Romania/Sulina (port)," the authority said.The checks carried out found no damage, so that the vessel continued its journey.Other sources in the maritime transport sector told Reuters on Thursday that the ship hit a sea mine, sustaining minor damage, but that the crew was safe.According to the ship's operator, the Istanbul-based Kafkametler Maritime, the vessel is moving slower because of ship congestion in the Danube channel.The vessel's captain said separately in a statement that while the cause of the blast was not clear, it appeared to have been triggered by a bottom mine in the Black Sea.