A C-27J Spartan aircraft took off on Saturday evening from Otopeni Airport bound for Cairo, to transport the necessary materials to remedy the malfunction reported on board the C-130 Hercules aircraft, which was supposed to bring the 41 Romanian citizens and family members to the country recently evacuated from the Gaza Strip."As a result of the technical team on board the C-130 Hercules aircraft in Cairo being unable to procure locally the spare part to remedy the reported malfunction, a C-27J Spartan aircraft took off shortly after, in around 6:50 p.m., from Otopeni Airport bound for Cairo, to transport the necessary materials," the Ministry of National Defense (MApN) announces.According to the cited source, the two military aircraft will take off from Cairo immediately after the repair of the Hercules aircraft malfunction, the estimated arrival of the passengers at Otopeni was around 3:00, Sunday morning.The 41 Romanian citizens and family members recently evacuated from the Gaza Strip will leave for Romania on a flight made with the support of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Saturday.The Romanian citizens and their family members arrived on the territory of the Arab Republic of Egypt through the Rafah border point, during the day of November 9, and were later taken over by the representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Egypt. A mobile team of the Crisis Cell of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) then accompanied them to Cairo, MAE stated. (Photo:www.mae.ro)