The Government on Monday approved, by memorandum, Romania's participation as a member in the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Consortium (E-RIHS ERIC), a new pan-European research infrastructure that promotes knowledge of world heritage and its preservation strategies.According to a press release of the Executive, our country's participation in this pan-European consortium will provide integrated access to expertise, data and technologies within the world community of heritage science and will accelerate participation in European programmes in this field, which will allow the promotion of good practices and the development of methods that meet the specific needs of cultural heritage assets.The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Consortium (E-RIHS ERIC) is just about to be established, with its headquarters in Florence, Italy."The "European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science" (E-RIHS), which is expected to become oeprational in 2024, brings together 17 European countries. Romania announced its intention to participate in E-RIHS as early as in 2016, with the platform being included with the national roadmap of research infrastructures. For this purpose, a Romanian consortium, E-RIHS-Romania, was created, which brings together research institutes and universities. The Romanian consortium has made significant progress in what concerns the building of its own necessary infrastructure, in large part by accessing research funds through the Horizon Europe Programme," the same press release reads.