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The issues raised by farmers at the protests, discussed in the EP plenary in an unscheduled debate

February 15, 2024

MEPs debated on Wednesday in the plenary of the European Parliament the issues raised by farmers during the protests of the last few days across Europe, demanding additional financial sources from the European Commission and a better dialogue with them, as well as a new common agricultural policy, Agerpres correspondent reports.   The European Commissionair for agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski stated in the EP plenary that  ' the debate comes at the right moment and it is necessary'. He said that the main issue for the farmers is represented by Russia and its aggression war against Ukraine and its effects. Janusz Wojciechwski mentioned that the farmers received aid worth 9 billion euro over the last two years in the context where 2021 only 16% of the agricultural exports on the European market came from Ukraine and at present this quantity is 50%.   The commisionair for agriculture stated that a reason for discontent is the ecological transition included in the Common Agricultural Policy. ' After one year of implementation, I think that we have reached a quality compromise, a balance between the productive function of agriculture and the duties we have towards climate and environment' he said. In the end, he appealed to the farmers not to allow that differences of opinion produce division.   MEP Clara Aguilera, from the S&D group mentioned the important role of the farmers. ' Our ecological policy, which we do not explain clearly enough, means an effort on our part to reach a consensus with the farmers to bring it to fruition' she pleaded.   Ulrike Muller, from the Renew group, said that in Germany the biggest farmers' protests have taken place since 2008.' Farmers in Europe will not survive in the long term and they can't stand it anymore.We have to think about a new agricultureal policy' said the MEP.   Romanian liberal (PNL) MEP, Daniel Buda stated that the agricultural sector in the EU is affected by inflation, drought, floods, lack of labour and the war in Ukraine.' From Romania to Germany, the farmers left their homes, their families to express their helplessness. I wish, Mr.Commissiner you could have a clearer message for those who are today in the streets. The crisis reserve proved to be insufficient. That is why I request the European Commission to come with new financial sources available for the farmers' the PNL MEP said.   The MEP Dacian Ciolos, from the Renew group, said that the demands of the good faith farmers are justified. ' We need a better management of natural resources, yes, we need to help Ukraine to export grain to areas that need it, but  this must be done together with farmers' pleaded the former European Commissionair for Agriculture.   The socil-democrat (PSD) MEP, Victor Negrescu, also had a critical intervention towards the European commissionair for agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski. 'Mr. Commissionair, farmers in my country and all over Europe need support. You have to come down from the ivory tower and talk to them' said Negrescu, who is vice-president of the Party of European Socialists.   Renew MEP Vlad Gheorghe asked the people who are in the streets not to give up the protests. ' Don't give up until you get your rights' he said in the EP plenary. 'Billions of euro leave the EU for Romania. But they only go to government colleagues' Vlad Gheorghe said.   Regarding the currently available funds for agriculture, PNL MEP Siegfried Muresan, who is the rapporteur for the EU budget for 2024, said before the debate that there is a reserve of 450 million euros in the EU budget for 2024 for this chapter.   He mentioned that in the budget of the European Union there is still a small reserve, which is not allocated to any field, which can be mobilised in cases of force majeure. ' But that reserve must be sufficient for the whole year 2024. If we  use all the money now, we will not be able to help during the year' Muresan explained.

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