Car manufacturer Ford Romania continues to be the largest employer in Dolj County, with the company ranking first in terms of number of employees, with 6,394 employees - almost 2,000 more than four years ago, when it had 4,419 employees - and 6,401 employment contracts. According to the data supplied by the Territorial Work Inspectorate (ITM) Dolj, at the beginning of this month, the second employer according to the number of contracts and employees was the Regional Branch of Railway Craiova, with activities of ancillary services for land transport, state national company, with 3,970 contracts and 3,961 employees, followed by the County Hospital Craiova with 3,859 contracts and 3,520 employees. They are followed by the University of Craiova with 2,651 contracts and 1,733 employees, Posta Romana S.A. – Craiova Branch with 2,456 contracts and the same number of employees, the Casa Noastra SRL which produces plastc articles for constructions, with 1,627 contracts and 1,626 employees, Distributie Energie Oltenia with 1,563 contracts and the same number of employees, the call centre company Comdata Service with 1,500 contracts and 1,499 employees, the Civitas protection and security company PSG with 1,440 contracts and the same number of employees, General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj with 1,431 contracts and 1,427 employees.It should be mentioned that at the end of this month, 1,607 foreign employees were registered in Dolj. According to ITM Dolj data, 343 citizens were registered in the register of employees as stateless, 254 from Nepal, 241 from Sri Lanka, 141 from India, 85 from Pakistan, 62 from Turkey, 55 from Italy, 52 from Ukraine, 47 from Bangladesh, 46 from the Republic of Moldova, 23 from the Philippines, 21 from Bulgaria. According to data provided by the Dolj Immigration Service, 1,464 applications for employment permits for foreign nationals were registered at the institution in 2023, 40% less than in 2022, when 2,423 applications were submitted. In terms of countries of origin, the most foreigners applying for employment are from Bangladesh - 432, followed by Pakistan - 263, Sri Lanka - 226, Nepal - 164, Egypt - 85, India - 78, Turkey - 52, Ethiopia - 40, Philippines - 36, Kosovo - 19, Morocco - 15, Syria - 13, Sudan - 12, Vietnam - 8, Serbia - 7, Cameroon - 7, Cuba - 5, Moldova - 5. The Dolj Immigration Service issued 359 employment permits for permanent and highly skilled workers last year. The main sectors in which most foreign employees work are: construction, hospitality industry - Horeca, clothing, food industry, agriculture, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, automotive industry, sportsmen (footballers). The unemployment rate in Dolj county is 7.27%, corresponding to a total number of 16,361 unemployed people, most of them being from rural areas (13,855 people), without education or with primary or secondary education (75%), and 16% having graduated from secondary school. Unemployed people with vocational education account for 10% of all registered unemployed, and those with higher education for 1%.