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A new public offer of Fidelis government bonds on BVB, between September 13th and October 1

October 11, 2021

The Ministry of Finance is carrying out a new public offer for the sale of Fidelis government bonds for individual investors on Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) , between September 13th and October 1, while launching on BVB the fifth issue since July 2020. Through the first four offers, the Ministry of Finance attracted from the retail investors more than RON 7bn (over EUR 1.4bn).   ‘The Ministry of Finance continues issuing government bonds addressed to the population through the FIDELIS Program. Investors should be aware that this savings instrument offers advantageous interest rates and is an attractive way of saving both in lei and in euros, for which no fees are charged in the underwriting process, and capital gains and interest income are non-taxable. By continuing to issue government securities under this program, the Ministry of Finance reaffirms its commitment to provide individuals with attractive savings options, while diversifying the state funding sources‘, said Dan Vilceanu, Ministry of Finance.   Resident and non-resident individuals over the age of 18 years can subscribe Fidelis government bonds denominated in RON and EUR within the public sale offer carried out on Bucharest Stock Exchange, between September 13th and October 1st, 2021, through BT Capital Partners & Banca Transilvania, BCR and BRD- Groupe Societe Generale.   `We are glad that the Ministry of Finance continues the FIDELIS government bond issuance program, keeping the quarterly cadence of these offers, which has already become a tradition. Looking at everything that has happened on the capital market since the beginning of the pandemic, at the numerous financing rounds carried out by both the state and entrepreneurial companies, which accumulate over 2.3 billion euros, we can say with firm belief that the stock market has proven again that it is able to support the development of the economy and absorb offers of considerable sizes`, said Radu Hanga, Bucharest Stock Exchange President.   `Bearing in mind the success of the previous four offers, carried out in different market conditions, the outbreak of the pandemic, the flattening of the first waves, the appearance of other waves, IPOs carried out at the same time for shares and government securities, reveals that the Ministry of Finance and the brokerage syndicate found the best suited formula so that this tradition of FIDELIS government bond issues continues and, as well, to provide investors with a range as diverse as possible of instruments for their investments and, at the same time, to attract new investors to the market. This range of instruments will expand further, once the CCP is operational, which is estimated to be in the second half of next year`, said Adrian Tanase, Bucharest Stock Exchange CEO.

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