Constanta port will equip an additional berth for Ukrainian cereals, according to a message posted by Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP) in its Telegram account, Interfax informs. “Our Romanian colleagues announced the completion of the tender for equipping the berth on the occasion of a trilateral meeting,” UDP informs. The Ukrainian company pointed out that in 2023 it was one of the project initiators, as Constanta port terminals did not have enough capacities to manage the traffic of cereals coming from Ukraine. Last year there were “up to 600 berths loaded with cereals in port which were waiting up to 30-40 days to be unloaded,”UDP informed. Now, most exports of Ukrainian farm produce returned to Odesa ports, but the Danube route remains an important one, but the new berth will not remain unused,” UDP pointed out. The Ukrainian company intends to send up to 200,000- 250,000 tons per month to Constanta port. “We are offering complete services, river transport plus transfer from one ship to another in Constanta port. If the main export route from Ukraine returns to the Danube, the berth will become a salvation line which will significantly increase the overall capacity of our logistic model,” UDP mentioned. Constanta port established in 2023 a new record about cereal exports, due to the increase of cereal deliveries from Ukraine, as well as to projects meant to improve infrastructure financed by EU. According to port authority representatives, Constanta port sent a record quantity of 36 million tons of cereals last year, on the rise by 50% against 2022. Ukrainian cereals were responsible for about 40% of the total volume.