Romania has, currently, around 6.9 million hectares of forest fund, out of which 51pct are private property, data released by the National Forestry Inventory (IFN) at a Thursday conference reveals. According to IFN, there are 14 million hectares of farmland, the ratio of the categories of land being 1:2.1. The data indicate that there are around 830,000 forest and approximately four million owners of farmland, with a ratio of 1:5. The forest sector (forestry and wood processing) represents 2pct of GDP and that of agriculture and food industry represents 12pct. The IFN Inventory was conducted between 2008-2012; a new cycle of analysis debuted in 2013. "IFN was initiated in 2006, and its completion was stated in the Forest Code in 2008, in order to align to European standards. This inventory must be conducted, at a national level, every five years. The inventory must be conducted due to a need for precise and up-to-date information to serve as the basis for the forestry policy, forecasts, programs and strategies for the development of the forestry sector," Director for Policies and Strategies with the Environment Ministry Danut Iacob stated at the conference. The data were collected in the field by 21 teams assembled and trained for this purpose, each consisting of three people. IFN data shows that in cubic meters, the amount of wood is 2.22 million, with an average 321.9 cubic meters per hectare. The main species of trees are beech, representing 36.8pct, spruce - 23.8pct, holm - 10.1pct, hornbeam - 8.1pct and fir - 5pct.