In the first 6 months of the year, Romania imported milk, dairy products, eggs and honey for 348.3 million euros, on the rise by 14% against the same period of 2020, while exports went up by 7.2% - 107.3 million euros, according to the commercial balance sheet for farm produce. The value of exports in the first semester was three times lower than that of imports for these products, commercial deficit for the segment exceeding 241 million euros. According to data of the Ministry of Agriculture (MADR), Romania's deficit in the trade with foodstuff grew by over 31%,in the first half of the ongoing year, compared to the same period of 2020, totaling 1.27 billion euros. Romania exported foodstuff of 3.63 billion euros over January-June 2021, while imports exceeded 4.9 billion euros. For that chapter, MADR data include other products of animal origin, next to milk, dairy products, eggs and honey.