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Ambassador Prokopchuk: Ukrainian state authorities expressed their appreciation for Romanian society's support

March 24, 2024

Ukrainian ambassador Ihor Prokopchuk, attending on Friday a debate organized by the Social Dialogue Group (GDS) to mark the two-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, expressed his "deep appreciation" for the support given by the Romanian society to Ukrainian refugees.We all witnessed this huge humanitarian crisis caused by the displacement of millions of Ukrainians, (...) over 10 million people left their homes and moved abroad. (...) From the meetings I had with Ukrainian citizens since I took over office, I know how much they appreciate the welcoming attitude, warmth, and empathy they were greeted with upon their arrival to Romania. We, as authorities of the Ukrainian state, have expressed our deep appreciation to all the groups of Romanian society for their support during this time of extreme difficulty and existential challenge. Thousands of crimes have been committed on the territory of Ukraine, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide. It is paramount that we make sure that the perpetrators are brought to justice, otherwise we won't be able to establish an international security system. (...) This includes accountability for the crime of aggression that was committed by the Russian Federation's top political leadership, the Ukrainian diplomat said.He went on to say that the issue of state borders in Europe has been solved once and for all, in a way that ensured peace, stability and prosperity to the European nations, regardless of their past.Moscow's false interpretation of the historical past has ushered in this terrible tragedy of the war that Russia unleashed against Ukraine (...) in order to satisfy its expansionist geopolitical ambitions. (...) For us, for me personally, it is absolutely clear that the issue of borders in Europe has been settled for good in a way that has brought peace, stability and prosperity to all European nations. (...) This new community of the European Union was established for people to be able to enjoy border-free travel, but in fact we know that borders exist and therefore certain statements that I heard recently - the latest was by AUR leader Claudiu Tarziu, who made some claims of a territorial nature - have offended Ukraine. The Embassy responded, denouncing these claims and any moves or statements that would be contrary to this spirit of friendship, goodwill and cooperation between the two countries, and this is the line we will continue along, despite such statements or positions expressed by a handful of Romanian politicians, said Ihor Prokopchuk.Political science expert Sorin Ionita announced the organization by the Ukrainian community on Saturday, at 2:00 p.m., of a rally in Victoriei Square, after which the participants were to move in front of the Russian Embassy.Chairman of the GDS Board of Directors, Vlad Alexandrescu, expressed hopes that the Romanian administration will do more for the Ukrainian refugees."This is an occasion to hold grief for these two years of war, to mourn the loss of human lives, of young people who died for freedom, for democracy, who in fact died for Europe. I too hope that the Romanian government will do more for Ukraine, for the Ukrainian refugees. They are not just a number, they are people with needs, they have children, they have psychological needs that must be well catered for in the current situation, and beyond the emotion we feel at this moment, there is a host of files waiting to be solved," Alexandrescu specified.Attending the event were officials of the Foreign Ministry, the Labor Ministry, a representative of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, associations responsible for Ukrainian refugees. 

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