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Average gross salary in Romania up by 1 RON, in July; net average amount up by 4 RON 

October 11, 2021

- In July 2021, the average gross nominal earnings were 5780 lei, with only 1 leu higher than the one registered in June 2021. - The average net nominal earnings were 3545 lei, slightly increasing as against the previous month, with 4 lei (+0.1%). - The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in computer programming, consultancy and related activities (including information service activities) (8709 lei), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1914 lei). July 2021 as compared to July 2020 - As compared to July of the previous year, the average net nominal earnings increased by 5.1 % . Earnings in relation with the evolution of consumer prices - The real earnings index1 was 100.1% for July 2021 in relation with the same period of previous year. - The real earnings index was 99.1% for July 2021 as against previous month. - As compared to October 1990, the real earnings index was 227.2%, by 2.0 percentage points lower than the one recorded in June 2021.   The average gross salarywent up, in July, by 1 RON from the previous month, to 5,780 RON, while the net nominal average value registered a leap of 4 RON (0.1%), to 3,545 RON, according to the data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).According to the official data, the largest values of the net nominal average salary were registered in activities for information technology services (including computer service activities) - 8,709 RON, and the lowest values were registered in hotels and restaurants (1,914 RON).In July 2012, YOY, the nominal net average salary increased by 5.1%.At the same time, the index of the real salary earning was of 100.1% for July 2021, as compared to the same period of the previous year, and as compared with June 2021, it was at 99.1%. Also, as compared with October 1990, the index of the real salary earning was 227.2%, by two percentage points lower than the one registered in June 2021.The most significant increases in the average net salary, based on sections/divisions of CAEN Rev.2, reported in July, current year, as opposed to June 2021, were registered in: hard coal and inferior coal extraction (+21.7%); air transport, financial intermediaries (with the exception of insurance and pension funds activities), the manufacturing of other means of transportation, storage and auxiliary activities for transports, the extraction of metallic minerals (between 8% and 13%); manufacturing chemical products and substances, real estate transactions, agriculture, hunting and annexed services, manufacturing road transport vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, the production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning, mail and courier activities (between 4% and 7%), forestry and forest exploitation (including fishing and aqua-culture), service activities in information technology (including activities for information services), extraction of crude oil and natural gases, other extracting activities, repairing, maintaining and installing machinery and equipment, manufacturing of beverages, tanning and leather finish (including manufacturing travel and leather goods, harnesses and footwear; preparing and coloring furs), water transports (between 2% and 3.5%).On the other hand, important drops in the net average salary, during the analyzed interval, were registered as follows: by 13.6% - in editing activities; between 8% and 12.5% - in fabricating basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, manufacturing computers, optical and electronic products, manufacturing coking products and products obtained from the processing of crude oil, manufacturing vehicles, machinery and equipment N.C.A (Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment N.E.C ed.n); between 4% and 8% ; printing and reproducing supports for recordings, manufacturing tobacco products, wood processing, manufacturing wood and raft (with the exception of furniture, including manufacturing straw articles and other vegetal woven materials), telecommunication, auxiliary activities for financial intermediaries, insurance and pension fund activities; between 1% and 2% - in collecting, treating and waste disposal; activities for recovering recyclable materials (including decontamination services and activities), film production activities, video and TV programs, audio recordings and musical editing (including broadcasting and transmitting programs), collecting and treating used water, entertainment, cultural and recreational activities.According to the quoted source, education registered drops in the net average salary, as opposed to the previous month (-6.2%, as a result of the reduction in the amounts representing payment by the hour of teachers during the school vacation period), health and social assistance (-1.1%), namely public administration (-0.2%).     

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