Banks granted new credits of 195 billion lei to people and companies in 2020 and 2021, when the non governmental credit was 330 billion lei at the end of December, said Gabriela Folcut, CEO of the Romanian Association of Banks. “In 2020 and 2021 the volume of new credits granted by banks to people and companies was 195 billion lei, when the overall non governmental credit was 330 billion lei at the end of December. Practically, in 2021 alone, credits worth a third of the non governmental credit were granted,” said Gabriela Folcut at “Financial Forum 2022,” organized by The Diplomat. She said that the digitization activity did not start during the pandemic, but long before, but over 2020- 2021 there was a certain acceleration from the investment perspective, of about two billion lei for the first 15 banks in the market. “We, the Romanian Association of Banks, we studied this area and we found out that after the first year of pandemic 47% of consumers used online bank services and products. 19% used both online and offline services and 34% which is devoted to the physical interaction with the bank will remain devoted to the interaction with a bank officer,” Folcut said.