The figures place Romania as the country with the best dynamics in Europe, one of the best economic dynamics in the world, according to Marcel Ionescu-Heroiu, senior expert urban development with the World Bank, which says that this year our country has surpassed, for the first time, Hungary as GDP/inhabitant.‘In 2020, Romania has surpassed Slovakia, as GDP/inhabitant, and this year our country has surpassed Hungary, which is a unique economic performance, which is a first. If the trends are in a horizon of one or two years, we will surpass Poland’ stated the WM official in a videoconference Caravan Smart City Sibiu, organized by the Romanian Association for Smart City, together with the Town hall Sibiu, according to a press release sent on Friday.Marcel Ionescu-Hoeroiu spoke about the importance of keeping the attractiveness of the functional urban areas and the human capital which they draw.‘The functional urban areas in Romania are the ones which contribute most to the economy, those being the areas where, at least 15% of the workforce commute to a town or a city, generating 98% of the GDP Romania. Thus, if they do not function, the economy does not work. Practically, what matters are the people, the productiveness and consumption’ he said.