At end-March 2022, broad money (M3) amounted to RON 567,285.5 million, down 0.6 percent (or 2.4 percent in real terms )month on month. In year-on-year comparison, broad money rose by 13.6 percent (3.2 percent in real terms), the Na?ional Bank of Romania (BNR) informs. At end-Maech 2022, loans to non-government sector granted by credit institutions increased 1.6 percent (down 0.3 percent in real terms) from February 2022 to RON 336,132.6 million. RON-denominated loans, representing 72.7 percent of total volume of loans to non-government sector, moved up 1.9 percent, whilst foreign currency-denominated loans, representing 27.3 percent of total loans to non-government sector, grew 0.8 percent when expressed in RON (similar evolution when expressed in EUR). In year-on-year comparison, loans to non-government sector advanced 15.7 percent (5.0 percent in real terms), on the back of the 20.0 percent increase in RON-denominated loans (8.9 percent in real terms) and the 5.6 percent rise in foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in RON (up 5.1 percent when expressed in EUR). Credit to general government decreased 1.6 percent in March 2022 from the previous month to RON 164,033.9 million. In year-on-year comparison, this indicator increased 6.2 percent (down 3.5 percent in real terms). Deposits of non-government resident customers went down 0.5 percent month on month to RON 478,751.9 million, while the annual growth rate was 11.1 percent (0.9 percent in real terms). RON-denominated deposits of residents, representing 62.4 percent of deposits of non-government customers, decreased 2.7 percent to RON 298,571.4 million month on month and rose 6.6 percent (down 3.2 percent in real terms) year on year RON-denominated households deposits went down 4.8 percent to RON 156,831.2 million month on month and advanced 1.0 percent (down 8.3 percent in real terms) year on year. RON-denominated deposits of other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) decreased by 0.2 percent (to RON 141,740.2 million) month on month and advanced by 13.6 percent (3.1 percent in real terms) year on year. Foreign currency-denominated deposits of residents, representing 37.6 percent of total volume of deposits of non-government customers, went up 3.3 percent against February 2022 to RON 180,180.5 million when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, these deposits moved ahead 3.3 percent to EUR 36,425.1 million). In year-on-year comparison, this indicator grew 19.5 percent when expressed in RON and 19.0 percent when expressed in EUR. Foreign currency-denominated deposits of households increased by 2.9 percent from February 2022 to RON 125,047.9 million when expressed in RON (similar evolution when expressed in EUR). On an annual basis, this indicator expanded by 14.4 percent when expressed in domestic currency and by 13.9 percent when expressed in EUR. Foreign currency-denominated deposits of other sectors advanced 4.1 percent against February 2022 to RON 55,132.7 million when expressed in RON (similar evolution when expressed in EUR). Compared to March 2021, this indicator moved up 32.8 percent when expressed in RON (32.2 percent when expressed in EUR).