The foreign currency reserves of the National Bank of Romania clocked in, at the end of August 2021, at 41.616 billion euro, an increase by 6.68 pct over the level of 39.008 billion euro recorded on July 31, 2021, the central bank announced on Wednesday.During the month there were incomes totaling 3.343 billion euro, representing: amending the minimum reserves in foreign currency constituted by the credit institutions at the BNR; the filling of the Finance Ministry accounts; crediting the DST account with the share that belongs to Romania following the entry into force of the new general allotment of DST by the IMF with the date of currency August 23, 2021 (1.736 billion DST, approximately 2.100 euro equivalent); the filling of the European Commission account and others.Furthermore, there were outputs of 735 million euro, representing: the amendment of the minimum reserves in currency constituted by the credit institutions with the BNR; payments of installments and interest rates on account of the public debt denominated in foreign currency and others.The level of gold reserves remained at 103.6 tons. Given the evolution of international prices, its value clocked in at 5.114 billion euro.The international reserves of Romania (currency plus gold) on August 31, 2021, were of 46.730 billion euro, over 44.130 billion euro on July 31, 2021.The payments due in September 2021 accounting for the public debt denominated in foreign currency, direct or guaranteed by the Finance Minister, total around 74 million euro.