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Bolojan, CNIPMMR representatives discusse main challenges, opportunities for business milieu

March 13, 2025

Acting President Ilie Bolojan received, on Monday, at the Cotroceni Palace, a delegation from the National Council of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises (CNIPMMR)/SME Romania. According to a press release from the Presidential Administration, the discussions focused on the main challenges and opportunities for the business milieu in Romania, with an emphasis on measures that can support the development and efficiency of SME activity. Among the topics addressed were the reform of the administration, the economy as a factor of national security, the issue of late payments, as well as the consolidation of economic diplomacy through closer collaboration between the Presidential Administration and the business milieu, the cited source indicates. The CNIPMMR representatives thanked the interim president for his openness to dialogue and for the interest shown in supporting Romanian entrepreneurship.During the meeting, interim president Ilie Bolojan argued that the business milieu is a "motor" of Romania. "To be frank, people who work in the private sector in Romania carry this country on their shoulders through the taxes and duties they pay. The more we make more of those who hold public office aware of this, the better it will be and these people must be respected, and those in the public sector do a good job, but without the private sector we would not justify our existence," Bolojan said at the meeting. Representatives of CNIPMMR/SME Romania reported that small and medium-sized enterprises generate almost 70% of Romania's GDP, and 97% of the private sector workforce is employed in SMEs. "We are the ones who support the Romanian economy both through the taxes and duties we pay and through the activities we carry out, as we are one of the largest employers in Romania," said Florin Duma, president of CNIMMMR.The interim president also met with members of the Romanian business community on Monday. (Photo:https://www.presidency.ro/)

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