The renewable energy industry, mainly offshore wind energy, has been identified as the main area in which the business communities of Romania and the Republic of Panama can cooperate, given the European experience of Romanian entrepreneurs, according to a press release from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR).As part of the economic mission carried out in Central America, the CCIR leadership and representatives of the companies that are part of our country's delegation had a meeting with the Secretary General of the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Panama, Volney Guinard Estripeaut."Following these discussions, the renewable energy industry, mainly offshore wind energy, was identified as the main area in which the business communities of the two states can cooperate, taking into account the European experience of Romanian entrepreneurs," the quoted source mentions.CCIR President Mihai Daraban emphasized that "there is a common interest of the two states to cooperate in the field of offshore wind energy, this industry representing a major component in the development strategy of the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Panama, with an emphasis on the construction of installations appropriate to the geographical profile of this country.""The Romanian delegation, present at this economic mission, includes companies that perform at a European level in the industry and that are in advanced discussions with Panamanian partners regarding collaboration in projects of common interest. Moreover, the role of CCIR is to facilitate such contacts between business communities and to provide all the necessary support for the Romanian business environment to re-enter important commercial markets," mentioned Mihai Daraban, quoted in the press release.At the same time, the Secretary General of the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Panama, Volney Guinard Estripeaut, appreciated the involvement of the CCIR in organizing such events for the business communities of the two states, emphasizing the need for the experience of Romanian companies operating in the field of renewable energy."We must take into account the fact that the National Energy Plan of the Republic of Panama 2015-2050 establishes that, by 2030, approximately 15% of energy should come from renewable sources, and by 2050 this percentage should rise to 50%," the Panamanian official said.