Bucharest General Mayor Nicusor Dan has announced that he has signed the commitment to submit a bid to host the UEFA Europa League final in 2026 or 2027.According to him, the timetable is "tight" and the deadline for submitting the candidacy as host city is 15 November."Three other countries are bidding to host the events: Germany, Turkey and Scotland. After UEFA's deliberations, the host cities for the two finals will be announced in May 2024. I am confident that, as with the other sporting events hosted by Bucharest, we will succeed in creating an enjoyable experience for football fans. It would be an honour for Bucharest to host such an event that will improve the image of the city and attract tourists," writes Nicusor Dan on Facebook.He brought to mind that Bucharest had already hosted a Europa League final in 2012, on the National Arena, Romania's biggest stadium inaugurated on 6 September 2011. The Capital also hosted 2020 UEFA European Football Championship, as well as UEFA European Under-21 Championship matches."The Capital City Hall has a protocol in progress with the Romanian Football Federation and UEFA, whereby it undertakes to fulfill the general organisational aspects requested by UEFA, including the start of certain investments to bring certain elements of the National Arena up to date, as well as the draw-up of the mobility plan dedicated to the event and the conclusion of the necessary protocols," Nicusor Dan said.