The number of new car registrations in Romania in the first four months of the ongoing year, dropped by 0.69% compared to the same period of 2023, to 46,504 units, from 46,831 units, according to data centralized by DRPCIV, quoted by the Association of Automobile Builders in Romania (ACAROM). The volume of second hand cars registered for the first time in Romania, in the period analyzed reached 114,027 units, on the rise by 15.81%. According to the source, over January-April 2024, new car registrations reached 46,504 units, a level similar to the same period of 2023 , of 46,831 units (-0.69%). The top of new cars registered in the mentioned period of time, includes Dacia with 13,549 units, followed by Toyota – 3,996 units, Skoda (3,417), Volkswagen (2,787), Hyundai (2,714), Renault (2,710), Ford (1,965), Mercedes (1,872), BMW ( 1,727) and Suzuki (1,619).