The national currency has depreciated on Thursday compared to the euro, continuing, practically, its descending trend started last week, the internal political situation having no influence on the exchange rate, believes Adrian Codirlasu, deputy chair of the CFA Romania Association."The course depreciated a little. Practically it continued the depreciation trend started last week. The CFA Romania forecasts are that the depreciation will continue, and for the 12 months horizon is 5.04 RON for a euro, and for the six months horizon it's 4.98 RON for a euro. The euro-RON exchange rate closes this year under 5 RON, to exceed 5 RON next year. What could determine this? On one hand it's inflation, which is higher than that in the euro zone, as well as the macro imbalances at the level of Romania, especially current account imbalances," said Adrian Codirlasu.Asked if the internal political situation influenced the situation of the exchange rate, Codirlasu said "if this government falls this could affect the financial markets because an aversion to risk is created," but that for the moment it had no influence.The national currency reached on Thursday a new historical maximum in relation to the RON, as the calculated exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) was 4.9386 RON/euro, a 0.41 ban increase (0.08 pct) over the previous quotation, of 4.9345 RON.The previous record was established on August 30, when one euro was traded for 4.9349 RON.