Romania's net coal production totaled, in the first 11 months of 2023, more than 2.313 million tons of oil equivalent, being 18.2% lower (minus 514,500 toe) compared to the same period in 2022, according to the centralized data of National Institute of Statistics (INS).In the mentioned period, Romania imported 185,600 toe of net coal, with 186,600 toe less (minus 50.1%) compared to the amount imported the previous year in the same period.According to the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis, Romania's coal production would decrease this year by 12.5%, up to 2.705 million toe, while imports will decrease by 40.3%, to 210,000 toe.In the latest forecast of the energy balance, CNSP indicates that, until 2026, the dynamics of coal production, as well as their import, are expected to decrease, as other energy production capacities will be put into operation.Thus, in 2024, production will decrease by 6.7% (to 2.525 million toe) and imports by 6.7% (to 195,000 toe), in 2025 by 8.6% (to 2.31 million toe), respectively by 4.5% (to 185,000 toe) and in 2026 by 10.2% (to 2.075 million toe), respectively by 2.5% (to 180,000 toe).