The 12,897 companies ranked in the top 10 positions in the 2024 National Ranking of Companies provide 1.34 million jobs, the Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR) announced on Wednesday."According to the statistical data, which were the basis for the 2024 National Ranking of Companies, the 12,897 companies ranked in the top 10 positions offer 1,342,380 jobs. Broken down by economic sectors, the data show that industry offers the most jobs (543,457), followed by services (335,258), trade (265,706), tourism (29,683), research and development and high-tech (85,141), agriculture, forestry, fishing (34,377), construction (48,758)," reads a CCIR press release.The 2024 National Ranking of Companies analysed 866,601 financial-accounting balance sheets of companies active in Romania. Out of these, 334,870 balance sheets competed for the top 10 positions in the national ranking, in accordance with the methodology for the creation of the companies chart implemented by the chambers of commerce in all counties of the country.The National Ranking of Companies is based on the following economic indicators: net turnover; operating profit; operating profit rate; efficiency of human resources use and efficiency of capital employed use.The Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been making this ranking since 1994, being the only institution empowered under organic law to establish such a hierarchy nationwide, the organisation points out. The 31st edition of the National Ranking of Companies Gala will take place at the Romexpo exhibition centre on November 7.