The draft emergency order about measures to finance budget deficit is a fiscal blow applied to small and medium businesses, with negative effects on investments, jobs andeconomy, but stimulating inflation, the National Confederation for Femela Entrepreneurship (CONAF) warned in a press release on last Friday. Taxes applied to small companies should support their activity, essential in a balanced modern market economy, but the latest fiscal amendments already applied have strongly affected small businesses and suggestions on government agenda may treble the fiscal burden, says Mihaela Mitroi, Managing Partner Global Tax Avdise, fiscal consultant, the president of CONAF Bucharest branch. She considers that inflation will be a colateral consequence of this increase of fiscal pressure, since, entrepreneurs will have to make services more expensive, in order to resist in the market. Under the pressure of a higher fiscal burden, profitable small companies will reduce or even delay investments. According to her, the government agenda also includes measures discouraging multiple individual investments in several small businesses, in a taxing plan that “defies fiscal logic.” The intensification of fiscal pressure on small and medium businesses already has a negative impact on the labour force market: hiring opportunities are reduced, the number of employees dropped because companies have reduced their investments and have adjusted the needed staff, Cristina Chiriac said. CONAF is the most powerful confederation in Romania gathering the interests of entrepreneurs in the European spirit of gender and chance equality.