Navy Chief of Staff, Vice-Admiral Mihai Panait presented on Tuesday to National Defense Minister Angel Tilvar and Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu the details regarding the construction of a new military wharf in the area of the southern pier of the Port of Constanta, as part of a project to develop the infrastructure of the Constanta Military Port.Defense Minister Angel Tilvar and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Sorin Grindeanu participated on Tuesday, at the headquarters of the Constanta Maritime Ports Administration in the presentation of a new project for the development of the Constanta Military Port infrastructure, which will be carried out through the cooperation of the two ministries, a release informs.The project, which involves the transfer of a land plot from under the administration of the Transport Ministry to that of the Defense Ministry will provide a new berthing area, both for the Romanian Navy's current and the future capabilities, as well as for allied ships, and a series of port infrastructure facilities that will be built to the latest relevant standards."Some of the operational requirements met by the project are the facilitation of much faster access of the ships to the wharf, the use of the existing infrastructure, with possible extensions depending on needs, the vicinity to the Danube-Black Sea Canal, which ensures logistical support and cooperation with other structures of the national defense, public order and national security system, as well as the opportunity to build modern spaces and facilities necessary for the fulfillment of national and international maritime missions and activities," Vice-Admiral Panait said.Ministers Tilvar and Grindeanu expressed their full availability to speed up administrative procedures for the start of the infrastructure project. From aboard the Navy's hydrographic research boat OCEAN 1, the two officials ministers inspected the proposed location for the military facility development project."I am convinced that the project has reached the necessary planning maturity so that, with the help of the colleagues from the Transport Ministry, we can quickly move on to implementation, for the Romanian Navy's fleet, that is set to be completed through the procurement programs under preparation, be managed at interoperable standards with allied navies. Together with Minister Grindeanu we agreed that the two ministries' managements support the development of this initiative, which is of great importance for the Navy, but which also incorporates a substantial dual-use dimension, because the construction and integration of state-of-the-art infrastructure into the general ensemble of the Constanta Port comes with obvious benefits to this strategic structure of Romania and the European Union," declared Minister Angel Tilvar, as cited in the release.The defense minister then traveled to the Constanta Military Port where, accompanied by the Navy Chief of Staff, he visited a considerable part of the Navy capabilities stationed in the military port, military vessels used to fulfill Romania's committed missions.