Dacia Jogger, a family vehicle with 5 or 7 seats, will be presented to the general public on September 6, at the Munich International Motor Show, in the presence of Denis Le Vot, General Manager Dacia, the company announced on Monday."On September 6, at the IAA Mobility International Motor Show in Munich, in the presence of Denis Le Vot, Dacia General Manager, Jogger will be presented to the general public. (...) Dacia Jogger is positioned as a family vehicle perfectly adapted to outings. Jogger reflects the pragmatic and authentic spirit of the Dacia brand and the 'outdoor' environment of the new brand identity. Available in two configurations, with 5 or 7 seats, the Dacia Jogger is the ideal partner for families, both in urban routes and in everyday life, as well as in the longer journeys, occasioned by the outings in nature on weekends or on holidays," the release mentioned.According to the quoted source, Dacia will unveil the new model, Jogger, on September 3, at 11:00 (Romanian time) in a 100% digital event.