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Dancila: Iohannis should no longer attack Gov’t, should abstain from making statements that harm Romania. As Prime Minister, I assure you Romania is prepared for the presidency of the Council of the EU. We are to present programme on Romania’s Presidency of EU Council in November

November 13, 2018

Dragnea: It’s the President’s obsession for this Gov’t to fall   Premier Viorica Dancila is asking President Klaus Iohannis to no longer attack the Government because consensus is needed in order to exercise the presidency of the Council of the EU. In his turn, PSD leader Liviu Dragnea says that the statements that President Iohannis made on Monday can be labelled as “irresponsible.” “I’ve seen President Iohannis’s attack yesterday. We have this Government because we had the Romanians’ vote and confidence and I believe the President shouldn’t evaluate this, he should accept the will of the people expressed by vote. Secondly, we have got used to the President’s statements about the Government, about the governance. I don’t want to respond to the President, I don’t want to do as he does. For me it’s important to come up with concrete things for Romanians. (…) Every time President Iohannis attacks me, I’ll respond with what we – this Government and this coalition – are doing for Romanians,” Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday after the meeting of PSD’s Standing National Bureau (BPN). Dancila insisted that Romanians are tired of disputes and so is she. “I believe we must see how we can make sure we have results internally, but also externally. I’m asking President Iohannis to no longer come out with such statements that harm Romania. He knows, and I know too, that this was also emphasised by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, who told us that if we want to be successful there must be consensus between the Presidency, the Government and Parliament. I care about this consensus, because I care about Romania’s image and I care about Romania’s well-being. I hope the President would understand this too,” the Premier added. Viorica Dancila gave assurances that Romania is on schedule to take over the presidency of the Council of the EU. “And I believe that any statement that casts doubt on this can only harm Romania. We are on the last stretch, we are on schedule, I have nominated an experienced person who will surely be supported also by the many experts from the MAE [Foreign Ministry] and who can successfully lead a successful presidency of the Council of the EU. I’ve seen yesterday public statements regarding the rotational presidency, regarding the fact that Romania is not prepared or better said that this Government is not prepared. As Prime Minister, I assure you that Romania is prepared, that we are, as I said, on schedule, from the standpoint of both the programme for the presidency of the Council of the EU and from an organisational and logistical standpoint. I believe such statements can only harm Romania, I believe this is unprecedented in an EU member state and I’m asking all political forces, including the President of Romania, Mr Iohannis, to abstain from making such statements, because Romania needs consensus, Romania needs unity and needs good Romanians who would think primarily about their own country and less about personal interests,” Dancila emphasised.   “We are to present programme on Romania’s Presidency of EU Council in November”   The Government will present the final form of the programme regarding Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union this month, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Tuesday, adding that based on the topics proposed and assumed in this programme, our country stands to be assessed at the end of the six-month term. “We are coming with the final form of this programme in November. That is the programme we must bring to a successful conclusion. The second matter at hand – the 2014-2019 Strategic Agenda is closing in, there are over 200 legislative and non-legislative files of which we must complete as many as possible. We need to respond to a series of challenges: Brexit, the future of the European Union post-Brexit, we have to respond to an agreement on the multiannual financial framework, to respond to the traditional policies – I am referring to the Cohesion Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy – as well as to other challenges. These are the items Romania will be judged upon in the end,” Viorica Dancila stated at the end of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) National Standing Bureau (BPN), when asked what she thinks the relationship with the EU will be like during the six months of the Council of the EU’s Presidency, given the criticism of our country at European level. She showed that a successful Presidency of the Council of the EU means closing as many files as possible. “You firstly bring to a successful conclusion the programme with which you presented yourself in front of the Romanians and then to the EU and the way you handle these files so important for the upcoming period. Therefore I would like not to judge Romania by certain criticism, by certain resolutions more or less real, compliant to the reality, by certain things some or the others say. We will respond to these but I wouldn’t want to link this to the Presidency,” PM Dancila said. The premier pointed out that this term must involve “every Romanian.” “Every Romanian must feel that we are holding this Presidency and for this they must trust their Government, because this Government, whether we like it or not, will represent Romania. And if we straighten it out every time or try to criticise it, I believe this doesn’t do any good to any Romanian,” PM Dancila added.

The post Dancila: Iohannis should no longer attack Gov’t, should abstain from making statements that harm Romania. As Prime Minister, I assure you Romania is prepared for the presidency of the Council of the EU. We are to present programme on Romania’s Presidency of EU Council in November appeared first on Nine O' Clock.

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