The Galati Lower Danube River Administration (AFDJ) is constantly monitoring the low levels of late on the Romanian Danube sector.Thus, the Galati Lower Danube River Administration monitors are taking hydrographic measurements at critical points to identify areas with depths below 2.5 m.Currently, on the Danube sectors administered by AFDJ between Km 375 - Km 237, the depths are above 3.0m .On the Danube sector between Km 845 - Km 610, AFDJ will start dredging works with its own ships at the critical points Km 675 - Km 678 Bechet, Km 821 - Km 820 Salcia and Km 617 - Km 613 Calnovat.AFDJ issued as far back as July 31, 2024 its info no 91 informing all seafarers of the current hydrological situation with downward trends and asking them to correlate the loading drafts with the existing navigation conditions, while paying attention to the floating signals as well as the current limits of the channel."In case of strandings, the ships have to urgently notify the port captains, as well as the AFDJ for the urgent verification of the remaining depths in the sector, as well as the restoration of signalling in the area as a result of refloating," reads the info.So far, the RADOMIR convoy has reached the bottom in the area of the Salcia critical point, at the edge of the area, but still manages to break away and continue on its way.Also, the non-observance of the limit of the channel on Tuesday led to the CEMAL REIS ship ran out of the navigable channel on the Maritime Danube sector at Mm75. The ship was refloated with AFDJ's tugboat COVURLUI.