On Tuesday, the Ministry of National Defense kicked off the construction works of the population protection spaces in the Plauru village, Ceatalchioi commune of far eastern Tulcea county, close to the border with Ukraine, the ministry informs in a press release sent ths Tuesday."According to Decision no. 31 of September 7, 2023 regarding the adoption of protection measures on the national territory in the immediate vicinity of the conflict zone in Ukraine, issued by the National Committee for Emergency Situations, the Ministry of National Defense began on Tuesday, September 12, the works of setting up the protection spaces of the population at the level of the Plauru locality in Tulcea County," the ministry's press release reads.The works are carried out by a detachment of approximately 50 soldiers from the 10th Engineer Brigade, which operates with 20 technical means, for the installation of two shelters made of prefabricated concrete elements, as well as for the execution of the related landscaping works, the ministry states.The shelters, with dimensions of 9.6 meters long, 2 meters wide (inside) and 1.5 meters high (inside), will be handed over, after the completion of the works, to the local authorities of the Ceatalchioi commune.