The present security situation shows that peace is no longer a certainty in Europe, said general Gheorghita Vlad, the Defense Chief of Staff, in his speech held on the occasion of the 165th celebration of the General Staff. “Contrary to norms of humanitarian international law, the actions of the Russian Federation are feeding the negative development of the threat potential and security risks. At the level of the Black Sea region, of strategic interest for NATO, we have a defense crisis situation,”said general Gheorghita Vlad. He pointed out that the Romanian Army has reconsidered its defensive architecture by adapting procedures, recalibrating the reaction capacity of forces and has consolidated structures of permanent combat service, air police and strengthening vigilence. “At the same time, capacities of knowing situations and early warning have improved. Our defensive capacity, Euro-Atlantic relations and Strategic Partnership with the US remain vectors of the national discouraging and defense position in the Black Sea area,” said the official of the National Defense Ministry. He mentioned that Romanian militaries are participating in NATO and EU operations in the West Balkans, Africa, the Mediterranea Sea and Indian Ocean. As host nation, Romania ensures the conditions needed to operate and pre-positiion allied forces and capabilities in Romania, according to Regional Plans.