The European Commission on Friday (November 19) approved the fifth list of Projects of Common Interest in the field of trans-European energy infrastructure, a list that includes several projects in Romania - especially the second phase of the BRUA (Bulgaria - Romania - Hungary - Austria) pipeline project, Adevarul reported. In the natural gas sector, among the projects involving Romania and which are included on the fifth list of projects of common interest are: Depomure? Underground Gas Depot, Bilciure?ti Underground Gas Depot and BRUA - Phase II. This second stage of BRUA projects includes the expansion of transport capacity in Romania towards Hungary: ensuring the physical possibility of permanent bidirectional flow between Romania and Hungary, by building a compression station at Csanadpalota (Hungary). Other several projects related to the transfer of natural gas from Black Bea to the main BRUA route are included as well: Tarmul Marii Negre (Black Sea Coast)- Podisor (RO) pipeline. The list also includes projects of the Romania - Serbia Cluster, also known as the "Mid Continental East Corridor", namely the following projects of common interest: the overhead power line between Resita (RO) and Pancevo (Serbia); the overhead power line between the Iron Gates and Resita; the overhead power line between Resita and Timisoara / Sacalaz and the overhead power line between Arad and Timisoara / Sacalaz.