The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, visiting the U.S. between February 12 and 15, met on Monday with representatives of the largest museum and research complex in the world - the Smithsonian."A large community of teachers has formed around the Smithsonian who harness the art, history, natural science, and astronomy collections for learning purposes. To do this, the Smithsonian team has created a wealth of educational resources that can be used with or without training special. Of these, over 6 million exhibits can also be used by Romanian teachers thanks to the Smithsonian Learning Laboratory," Deca wrote on Facebook.She argued that the Ministry of Education will come to the support of teaching staff and will do everything possible to facilitate Romanian teachers' access to the best online resources."The experience of the Smithsonian Learning Lab development team confirmed to me that in order to build such a successful platform it is important to put the needs of teachers at the center of attention: to understand their requirements and to ensure that the platform is easy to use in depending on their interests - level of study, topic, group size, for example", explained Ligia Deca.She had discussions with Dr. Julia Nowakowska, Director of the Office of Educational Technologies, Natalie Brown, Diplomatic Counselor of the Office of International Relations, and Dr. Samantha Peterson, Counselor of the Smithsonian's Office of Global Affairs.