Romanian online retailer, a small-sized player on the local market, reported a modest increase in revenues and deep RON 3.79 mln (EUR 0.76 mln) losses in January-June this year, compared to thin RON 0.47 mln net profit in the same period of the year before, according to a company's statement filed to Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) where its bonds are traded. The company's officials hope that the customers will return online after spending their holidays outdoors, with a visibly negative impact on e-commerce. "The year started with a robust growth in e-commerce, which then gradually diminished after the relaxation of restrictions. Beginning in May, Romanians focused their consumption more on holidays, restaurants, shows, and convenience stores. We see this market correction as on a transitional one, and we expect a return of the increase of online consumption starting with September," said Sergiu Chirc?, general manager of, according to The report regards the financial situation of Elefant Online S.A., the company that issued the bonds, under national accounting procedures. Its revenues increased marginally from RON 102.4 mln (EUR 20.5 mln) to RON 104.4 mln (EUR 20.9 mln). The company's payroll surged from RON 6.46 mln to RON 8.33 mln, and the value of the outsourcing contracts advanced as well from RON 17.5 mln to RON 20.9 mln. In another statement, Elefant Group reports (under IFRS) tripling of its losses to RON 4.55 mln (EUR 0.9 mln) in January-June 2021, from RON 1.66 mln losses in the same period of 2020. Group's total revenues increased from RON 103.5 mln to RON 107.2 mln. The better financial indicators this year were mainly stimulated by attracting a larger number of unique visitors to the site, the company explains.