• Social Monitor Infograph – a project of Friedrich-Ebert – Stiftung Foundation Romania More than half of young people in Romania want to emigrate for more than 6 months in another country, 8% of them having a very strong will, 11% a strong will, while 32% a moderate emigration wish, according to the Study on South-East European youths, made by Friedrich-Ebert foundation. Data were collected by Ipsos in 2024, through an online opinion poll on a sample of 8,925 coung people (14-29 years old), representative for 12 countries in South-Eastern Europe, Romania included. In general, young people in sount-east European countries express a high emigration intention (temporary or permanent). Of them, a distinct group is made of Northern Macedonia, Albania and Turkey, where more than a youth out of three expresses a strong emigration wish. At the opposite pole we find Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, where this wish is recorded for less than one out of five young people. In all countries studied, the reason most often mentioned by respondents with a high or moderate emigration wish are of an economic nature: improving the living standard, higher salaries or better employment possibilities. In the case of Romanian young people, half of those who intend to emigrate invoke the wish to improve the living standard (26%) or better wages (24%). The fact that the reason for the emigration is mostly economic and is proven by the fact that the emigration intention is more frequent among youths with a lower economic status. In Romania, 57% of young people who say they have enough money only for bare neccessities (current bills, food, clothes) express a strong emigration wish; those who can afford buying everything they need represent only 15%.