Employers' associations in AustriaAustria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia signed a joint Declaration expressing full support for a comprehensive and efficient EU industrial strategy to complete the EU Green Deal and strategic industries, big resource and energy consumers in Europe in the present complex crisis, according to a press release of Concordia Confederacy issued on Monday. “Once Poland took over the EC presidency, employers' organizations in Central and Eastern Europe wanted to give a signal asking for the support of economy, industry and strategic European companies, to relaunch their competitiveness at global level, in the context of the complex crisis facing us. Together with our EEC colleagues, we make appeal to European institutions to back an industrial strategy through concrete measures which could help European companies in the world competition, as well as gathering the assumed sustainability objectives. We are at a turning point and the competitiveness of Europe and EEC depends, to a great extent, on reducing and eliminating bureaucratic pressures in the EU area, of reorganizing energy policy and consolidation of the Single Market,” said Radu Burnete, executive manager of Concordia, a signatory of the Joint Declaration. The joint document means that EU institutions should adopt a series of measures in the coming weeks, under the Polish presidency of EU and to incorporate the anticipated EU Clean Industrial Deal. A first measure refers to formulate and apply a compresensive EU industrial policy, aligned to the Green Deal objectives. At the same time, the EU Clean Industrial Deal must be completed by a “firm and coodinated EU commercial policy in front of an unprecedented geopolitical and economic instability. Another request has in view approaching defficiency in the energy policy of EU. “We request EU institutions to evaluate all levels of energy price components, including the wholesale price, networks and prices, as well as their impact on EU industrial competitiveness. We back an ample analysis of all possible measures to curb energy prices for consumers and industrial enterprises, according to the principle of technological neutrality and the aim of maintaining competitive energy prices in EU, like the future Action Plan for Accessible Energy Prices. We also prompt the European Commission to apply measures which should transfer benefits in point of costs of renewable electric energy with low CO2 emissions by big energy consumers and at national level to reduce reglemented taxes in the final electricity prices when possible,” the document shows. Other requests mentioned in the Declaration signed by employers' organizations of the seven countries are: reducing reglementation taks and ensuring increased domestic harmonization of European policies in the future legislature, eliminating drawbacks in EU policies on the carbon market and backing a single durable market for ecological products with low carbon dioxide emissions.