The completion of hydroelectric plants initiated before 1989 is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Energy, and I am confident that this year we will mark a premiere by inaugurating the Rastolita Hydroelectric Plant, the first one completed after more than 34 years, Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja said."One of the priorities of the Ministry of Energy is the completion of hydroelectric plants started before 1989. Blocked for decades by environmental organisations' lawsuits, negligence, or incompetence, these projects represent Romania's chance to have more secure, cheaper, and cleaner energy. The Romanian state has already invested billions of lei in these objectives, and no matter how many interests are disturbed, I will not stop until they are completed. I am confident that this year we will mark a first and inaugurate the first hydroelectric plant finished after more than 34 years: Rastolita. Today, in the Government meeting, the Government Decision for the expropriation corridor was approved. It is yet another step after obtaining a new environmental agreement last year, a success achieved with the support of my colleague and friend Mircea Fechet, Minister of the Environment. We both faced protests and threats," said Burduja, quoted in a press release from the ministry.The Government adopted on Friday the Decision regarding the completion of Annex No. 2 to HG No. 900/2017, which allows updating the list of private properties necessary for the realisation of the public utility project "Rastolita Hydroelectric Power Scheme." This project represents a strategic priority for Romania and has been declared a national security objective according to Emergency Ordinance No. 175/2022.The Rastolita Hydroelectric Power Scheme, located in the northeastern part of Mures County, is part of the national interest works for the generation, development, and production of electricity.The Ministry of Energy notes that the Rastolita Hydroelectric Power Scheme brings the following benefits to Romania: contributing to national energy security, as Rastolita is part of the chain of new hydroelectric plants developed by Hidroelectrica, Romania's strategic state-owned company; being a source of green energy, as the project uses renewable sources and supports Romania's carbon emission reduction targets, as outlined in the National Climate Change Plan and Romania's Energy Strategy 2025-2035; complex use of water resources, as the scheme will ensure both energy production and secondary uses, such as water management and flood prevention.According to the release, updating the list of properties and supplementing the funds for the expropriation corridor, totaling nearly 5.66 million lei, were necessary to reflect the current legal situations. (Photo: