The increase in natural gas prices is directed by the Russian Federation, through Gazprom, stated, on Friday, the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, on Facebook."My opinion, regarding gas, is that after Nord Stream 2 is operational we will see a drop in price," claimed Virgil Popescu.On the subject of electricity prices, the Minister of Energy mentioned that the producers that don't use fossil fuels are presently selling energy at the marginal price on the market, in the context in which the Green Deal increased by over 100 pct the price of carbon certificates paid by producers of energy sourced from fossil fuels."Referring with electricity, the Green Deal led to an increase from 22 to 55 euro of the CO2 certificate. All the other producers that do not use fossil energy, that don't pay CO2, they sell energy with the marginal price of the market, that's the reason for this increase, corroborated with economic growth, with a return from the pandemic, an increase of electricity both in Europe and in Asia, where there is a lot of consumption. Both in electricity, as well as in gas, the increase of consumption was very high," said Virgil Popescu.The Minister of Energy stated that 10 million Romanians will receive this winter money from the Government for the payment of gas and electricity bills.Minister Popescu also showed that the main concern of the institution he leads is the creation of new production capacities for electricity and the development of the gas transport network, recalling that during the "Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum" conference he reiterated that the development of nuclear energy is essential for decarbonation.