The Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, will take part in the following days in the Advisory Council of the Southern gas Corridor, an event which takes place every year in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan, according to his Facebook page."Today (Thursday, ed. n) I had a bilateral meeting with the Azeri Minister of Energy, Parviz Shahbazov. I sent a message that Romania grants a special importance to the Strategic Partnership with the Republic of Azerbaijan and congratulated the lasting, extremely fruitful collaboration in the energy sector. I congratulated him for the significant contribution the Southern gas Corridor had in this sense, since it became operational, proving to be extremely efficient and useful in this very difficult energy context that we have faced, especially from the standpoint of the natural gas major deficit," the Minister wrote."Furthermore, I assured my counterpart that Romania will support a tighter collaboration between the European Commission and Azerbaijan for increasing the volume of natural gas delivered to Europe, as well as diversifying sources of transport and supply. I also told the Azeri part that Romania is open as regards the increase of the SOCAR company's investments in our country, both in the field of electricity production, as well as in the area of chemical fertilizer market. We are open to a possible collaboration between Romania, Azerbaijan and Georgia for building together an underwater cable for the transportation of electricity, underneath the Black Sea. It was a meeting with good perspectives for Romania," the post also reads. (Photo: