The national currency reached on Thursday a new historic level against the leu, when the exchange rate calculated by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) was 4.9386 lei/euro, on the rise by 0.41 lei (0.08%) against the previous quotation of 4.9345 lei. The previous record was on August 30, when one euro was quoted at 4.9349 lei. In exchange, the dollar depreciated to 4.1672 lei, on the drop by 0.84 bani (-0.20%),compared to the previous quotation of 4.1756 lei/dollar. The leu/franc exchange rate dropped by 0.51 (-0.11%) to 4.5498 lei/franc , compared to Wednesday when it was 4.5549 lei. Gold got cheaper on Thursday, by 11.99 bani(-0.05%) to 243.4013 lei, from 243.5212 lei, in the previous session.