Virginius Sinkevicius, European commissioner for environment, oceans and fishing had a video conference with Tanczos Barna, the environment minister on Tuesday and requested the rapid completion of the process of adopting the bill on the environment evaluation of silvicultural arrangements and the other measures assumed by Romania. About infringement procedures initiated for not closing down industrial and municipal waste deposits, the European commissioner reiterated the importance of accelerating efforts and completing the whole process rapidly, so that Romania avoided possible sanctions from the EU forum. At the same time, Virginius Sinkevicius requested the most rapid completion of the adopting of the document on the environment evaluation of silvicultural arrangements and the other measures assumed by Romania. The two officials decided that technical teams continued working together to conclude the procedure as soon as possible. About waste management, Sinkevicius was informed about the adoption, by the government, of three decisions in August, by which Romania observes Commission demands: the government decision on waste regime, the decision about waste depositing and the one on wrapping management. The European official pointed out that in the next period Commission experts would analyze the package of decisions adopted and following the analysis they might decide to renounce the three infringement procedures. He also pointed out that the government decision ruling the setting up of the warranty return system for beverage wrapping wastes. (Photo: