The European Startups Universe incubator was brought to Romania by ROTSA, with the Romanian technology startups at the beginning of their journey, either incorporated locally or in the diaspora, to have February 28 as their registration deadline, according to to a press release sent on Monday.The European Startups Universe is a parallel incubation program operating in 11 EU countries: Romania, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia. It takes 6 weeks to complete it, starting with March 2022.The initiative is officially supported by the European Commission's Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, and the European Committee of the Regions.In Romania, the initiative is implemented by ROTSA - Romanian Tech Startups Association, a non-profit organization that aims to promote, support and represent the interests of technology startups in Romania, regardless of vertical."It is our organizational mission to bring together the key players in the national ecosystem of technology startups, facilitating their communication and creating connections and partnerships between them. We are glad that we were selected to implement this programme at the national level because we have thus a better opportunity to support the initiatives of internationalization startups and to identify sources of financing to help them to grow," stated Cristiana Bogateanu, ROTSA executive director.The programme is aimed at all tech startups in the EU and aims to connect hundreds of startups at the beginning of the road with experts, founders of unicorn startups, investors, VCs, etc.The activities of the programme will take place online in March and April, during which time each team or founder of an early stage tech startup in the EU will have access to funding opportunities, the possibility of scaling to other EU countries and opportunities to find new customers.The incubation programme, organized nationally by the countries involved in the programme, will be followed by sessions with Angel-type investors at the European level, which will be handled by European Startup Universe HQ, the initiator of the project.