Expenses for environment protection at national level amounted to 15.7 billion lei in 2020, representing about 1.5% of GDP, and the largest expenses for environment protection, 71.6% were registered in the field of waste management, according to data published on Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INS). “In 2020, expenses for environment protection at national level amounted to 15.7 billion lei, representing about 1.5% of GDP. At national level, the largest expenses for environment protection were recorded in the field of waste management , representing 71.6% of total waste management expenses. At national level, the biggest investments for environment protection were recorded in the field of waste water management in public administration, representing 79.7% of total investments in the field of waste water management,”INS data show. At national level, public administration investments have the biggest share in overall investments for environment protection (54.5%), being followed by investments of unspecialized producers (31%) and those of specialized producers (14.5%). Unspecialized producers recorded the highest expenses for environment protection in the field “electric and thermal energy, gas and warm water production and supply (33.8%), in the “processing industry”sector (23.9%) and in the water treatment and distribution sector (19.2%). In environment domains, the largest expenses were recorded for waste management (39% of overall expenses for environment protection at national level), followed by expenses for residual water management (21.1%) and expenses for air protection and climate (20.5%).