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FinMin Teodorovici refused in Alba Iulia to comment on his statement regarding the limitation of the working permit : I said what I had to say. Full-blooded Romanian, that’s all

November 29, 2018

Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici, on Thursday refused in Alba Iulia to comment on his statement regarding the limitation of the working permit to maximum 5 years, in EU member states, and claimed he did not hear any slogans against him from protesters. “I said what I had to say. Full-blooded Romanian, that’s all,” said Eugen Teodorovici, upon exiting from the Union Hall, where the Government held a festive meeting. In what concerns the slogans some protesters chanted against him, the Minister said he did not hear a thing. Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici, on Wednesday said that his statement on the limitation of the working permit to maximum 5 years, in an EU member states, has nothing to do with the Government’s standpoint and he added that it was just an “unfortunate phrase.”   Teodorovici harks back to limited work permits in Europe: The talks took place in informal setting   Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici pointed out on Wednesday that he did not table at European level a project on time-limited work permits in Europe, and that the talks focused on solutions for the labour crisis in Central and Eastern European countries. In a statement for the press, the Finance Minister explained that his proposal to limit the duration of work permits came against the backdrop in which Romania is facing a labour crisis caused mainly by migration. Asked whether there is a project in this sense, he said “No.” “The talks at European level took place in an informal setting but they concerned not necessarily this topic but topics such as the financing of an unemployment scheme – this potential mechanism through which member states would finance such an unemployment scheme at European level is actually a point on the European agenda. Romania didn’t have an unemployment problem, not during the crisis and not now either. So, we had to find mechanisms, at European level, in order to encourage, finance, support, contribute to the labour force’s return to its countries of origin. We can offer an additional package of services, of financing, of incentives to those who want to return to Romania or to another country – this was the goal –, because this was the discussion in European context, not concerning this or that state,” Teodorovici pointed out. The Finance Minister added that in what concerns the financing scheme there were also other European colleagues, EU finance ministers, especially left-wing ones, who said that we must consider the return of the labour force or encouraging – through fiscal measures or incentives – the return of people to their countries of origin. Likewise, the Finance Minister denied that he is against the four principles of the EU, recalling that he was involved in Romania’s negotiation process, especially prior to 2004. “I never harmed a Romanian, nor will I, whether they are in Romania or somewhere else. It’s clear one can only be pro (pro-EU – editor note). So those who are trying to use or have used this statement I made yesterday during a discussion on the Romanian labour force, it’s clear that they are trying to nit-pick, to present a reason, an argument, not being able to invoke arguments concerning the professional side, concerning the Finance Minister, to bring up such conclusions that some have misunderstood. I don’t want to comment on what each person has commented. I thank all those who have sent all kinds of messages. (…) Maybe my wording was unfortunate. My proposal will always be for Romanians, no matter where they are, both natural and legal persons, to enjoy the same rights in Europe, whether they are traveling, living, doing business,” Teodorovici stated. The Finance Minister recalled that he also stated that any Romanian Government must create an attractive economic and social environment so that those who are in Romania would stay here, those who left would have reasons to return home, and those who want to come to Romania would be able to do so. “The four fundamental principles [of the EU], including the free movement of citizens, are fundamental principles. If I was a key-person in the Romanian administration in what concerns the accession negotiations and if you ask in Brussels colleagues who are working within the Commission, not necessarily all Romanians in Brussels – you know that the colleagues who are working in European structures have often brought disservice to the country in which they were born –, but the persons representing the Commission and not only them, you will be clearly told the opinion about me: I’m a staunch pro-European. I didn’t propose anything, nor will I propose anything, that would violate the four European principles,” Teodorovici emphasised. The Minister of Finance specified that his statement on Tuesday was made at a conference “related to an important topic, the workforce crisis.” The Minister specified that “it might have been an unfortunate statement or an unfortunate phrase” and specified that his intentions are “pro-European” and his actions are “to the best interest of Romanians and nothing else.” In a debate in Parliament on Tuesday, the Finance Minister stated that the working permit should be limited to 5 years without the right for a renewal in the same country. “I also proposed this topic to my counterparts, the finance ministers of Europe and I said that it might sound, I don’t know, maybe a little bit restrictive or of a different nature, (…) but it is what it is and we must learn at European level that, as poorer an area becomes, as richer another one becomes, while somewhere everything breaks. The European Union’s interest, if we are truly leaders, and I refer now to the European leaders, at European level, it must be that cohesion, a true social political cohesion. You don’t feed the Western side and leave the rest of the Europe to face all kinds of issues, you leave it outside. So, the limitation of the right to work. What is this all about, for I...

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