Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday that the first natural gas drill in the Black Sea will happen in the middle of this year, with the new exploitation expected to provide about one billion cubic metres per year, which is 10% of the annual natural gas consumption in Romania."The first Black Sea natural gas drill will be conducted by Black Sea Oil and Gas in the middle of this year and then we will have an extra billion cubic metres per year provided by this investment. (...) In the Caragele field the first dill will be in 2024, and in the Neptune Deep field, before the end of 2026-2027; we cannot hope for Black Sea natural gas earlier than late 2026-2027. We have to say that Romania is a lucky country, having this very important resource at the moment," Ciuca told TVR1 national broadcaster on Wednesday.According to Ciuca, although there is currently enough gas for consumption by the population and industry, an additional amount of about 20% of annual consumption is needed, of which 10% would be provided by the exploitation of Black Sea Oil and Gas.Ciuca added that talks with the Bulgarian prime minister would be held on Friday on the completion of an interconnection between Greece and Bulgaria, so that liquefied gas could be brought to the Mediterranean and unloaded at terminals in Greece or Turkey.With regard to electricity, Ciuca said that the European Union's renewable energy programmes are being considered, along with steps for the commissioning of the Iernut plant, the Cernavoda III and IV reactors and small modular reactors.In connection with the offshore drilling law, Ciuca gave assurances that it will shortly be approved and forwarded for promulgation.