The first lane dedicated exclusively to EU vehicles was opened on Thursday at the Calafat customs point, following that, from Friday, such lanes dedicated to vehicles registered in the EU will also operate at the Nadlac II and Bors II border crossing points, announced the minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu."The first lane dedicated exclusively to EU vehicles was opened at the Calafat customs point! More precisely, in the Control and Collection Agency (ACI) a traffic lane was opened only for vehicles registered in the European Union. On the other lane, traffic will be allowed, both for vehicles registered in EU member states and those registered in non-EU states. Starting tomorrow, such lanes dedicated to vehicles registered in the EU will also operate at the border crossing points at Nadlac II and Bors II," wrote the minister of Transport on his Facebook page.The dedicated lanes at the Giurgiu border crossing point will be functional after the implementation of the new truck pre-selection system (including the installation of an additional scale)."Thus, as we established in the discussions with the transporters, we implement these pre-selection lanes for heavy road traffic where the road configuration allows it. I specify that only trucks registered in the European Union will be able to drive on the lanes marked EU. On the lanes marked ALL TRUCKS will be able to circulate both trucks registered in non-EU countries and those registered in EU member states if the lanes marked EU are congested or if the ALL TRUCKS lane is free," stated Sorin Grindeanu.