The Romanian cryptocurrency, Aether, launched at the end of last year in the Binance Smartchain network, which has a market capitalization of 750,000 US dollars and 5,648 investors, will be launched into space at the beginning of February, with a rocket belonging to ARCA Space, a local aerospace company, informs the company's representatives."The innovation of this ambitious project is that it will reach space and at the same time develop satellites that will be used exclusively by other digital currencies. Aether will send useful satellites into space for other cryptocurrencies. Aether will be the first cryptocurrency actually launched into space with a rocket belonging to ARCA Space, a Romanian aerospace company that has already launched two stratospheric rockets and won two government contracts, one with the Romanian Government and another with the European Space Agency. In addition, Aether will develop and send satellites into space for use by other cryptocurrencies that have their own blockchains (technology that secures digital currency storage and transactions) to run nodes (devices participating in the blockchain network, which downloads, stores and constantly updates the entire data) in space, already negotiating the signing of contracts in this regard," notes the same source.According to the press release, another premiere for the Romanian digital currencies is that Aether has already appeared on the famous billboards in Times Square, New York."Cryptocurrencies have started to gain more and more ground due to the fact that there are great chances to get substantial returns from this type of investment, higher than in the case of equities. In addition, many consider the main advantage of digital currencies is that they have nothing to do with a central bank, which only adds to their value in time. When we speak of the minuses of investments in cryptocurrencies, one is related to the significant fluctuation of prices and the fact that nobody can say how their market value will evolve," underscore the creators of the currency.The company claims that Aether has the support of David Gokhshtein, a member of the Forbes Financial Council, editor of the publication, and a well-known analyst in the crypto world, as well as a promotional campaign by Gokhshtein Media.Aether is currently listed on Coinmaketcap and FegEx, and will be listed on other exchanges in the future, such as currency can also be purchased from Pancake Swap, Poocoin or Dextools (decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges) using a Trustwallet or Metamask wallet, priced at $ 0.001 at the moment.