Fondul Proprietatea ended the first half of this year with a loss of 680 million RON, compared to a profit of 4.1 billion RON in the first half of 2022, according to a company report."The decrease in the fair value was mainly generated by the reduction in the value of the participation in Hidroelectrica SA (1.87 billion RON), while an increase in the fair value was recorded for the following participations: CN Aeroporturi Bucuresti (115.1 million RON), Engie Romania SA (49.6 million RON), CN Administratia Porturilor Maritime SA (30.2 million RON) and Societatea Nationala a Sarii (23.5 million RON). The net gains related to fixed assets held for sale at fair value through profit or loss in the amount of 61.2 million RON represents the change in the fair value of the participations in the Enel group, after their reclassification as fixed assets held for sale on March 31, 2023," the report says.The fund mentions that the gross income from dividends is related to the amounts recorded as a result of dividends from Hidroelectrica (867.4 million RON), Societatea Nationala a Sarii (56 million RON) and CN Aeroporturi Bucuresti (31.5 million RON).In the first six months of 2023, ten companies from the Fund's portfolio declared annual dividends related to the financial year 2022 and/or special dividends. The value of total gross dividend income recorded by the Fund in the six-month period ending on June 30, 2023 is 962.5 million RON.