Foreign direct investment in Romania increased by 9.4% in the first quarter of 2022, to 2.297 billion euros, as against 2.099 billion euros in the first quarter of 2021, according to data with the National Bank of Romania (BNR)."Non-residents' direct investment in Romania totalled EUR 2,297 million (compared with EUR 2,099 million in January - March 2021), of which equity (including the estimated net reinvestment of earnings) and intercompany lending recorded net values of EUR 1,935 million and EUR 362 million, respectively," according to the BNR statement.The number of start-ups running on foreign capital in Romania increased by 32.7% in the first three months of 2022, y-o-y, to 1,640 units, according to data with the National Companies Register Office (ONRC).The 1,640 new companies had a total paid-up share capital of 10.022 million US dollars, 18.6% less than that of the companies registered in January-March 2021, of 12.316 million US dollars.In March 2022, 663 companies with foreign shareholders registered. Most of the new companies were operating in wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair (23.38% of the total), professional, administrative, scientific and technical activities (21.72%), and transport, storage and communications (15.6%).As of end-March 2022, there were 238,487 companies in Romania running on foreign capital. The value of their paid-up capital was 66.362 billion US dollars.The largest number of such companies - 50,871 (subscribed capital of 3.98 billion US dollars) - had investors from Italy, but the highest value of the share capital belongs to Dutch companies, 12.416 billion US dollars, in 5,734 companies.