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ForMin Melescanu meets WB Country Manager for Romania Tatiana Proskuryakova

October 14, 2018

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu met on Friday with Country Manager for Romania and Hungary in the Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank (WB) Tatiana Proskuryakova, a release of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs. The head of the Romanian diplomacy presented the priorities of the future Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in the first half of 2019 and emphasised the areas and events organised by the Romanian side, that can be of interest from the perspective of the World Bank’s activity. According to the quoted source, Melescanu highlighted the main trends that will mark the period of the Romanian Presidency, pointing out that it will be carried out during a complex context, in which many important decisions regarding Europe’s future are to be made. Furthermore, he underscored that Romania wants to actively contribute to a greater closeness of the EU towards the citizens and highlighted Romania’s priorities in terms of the European external action, with a focus, among other things, on the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership, the Black Sea co-operation. WB Country Manager Tatiana Proskuryakova commended the good collaboration with Romanian institutions, pointing out, at the same time, that the institutions she is leading will continue to act in favour of Romania’s economic development, the quoted release mentions. Tatiana Proskuryakova voiced her interest in supporting the priorities and projects of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council in areas relevant to the WB, including though the use of networks, programmes and expertise of the institution in regions of interest for Romania, especially in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighborhood. Moreover, she also reviewed a series of analyses and strategies drafted by the World Bank and presented their results and conclusions in areas such a human capital, in connection to the global economic development. She highlighted the necessity of correlating the policies of economic areas with social ones, especially in respect to healthcare and ensuring an education adequate to the current trends on the labour market, in view of a long-term sustainable development. The World Bank Group is made up of five international financial institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Development Association (IDA), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The activity of the World Bank Group started in 1991 and includes both public programs and projects funded by the IBRD through loans granted directly to the state, through the Public Finance Ministry, as well as private projects without state guarantee, through the support of the IFC and the MIGA.

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